I love Grover can do it all. Except for the fact that they stop the entire story, in the middle of the song mind you, dead cold just to sledgehammer the "take a deep breath and think" message. One that had no point to being mentioned, one that we've seen and heard a dozen times by then.
But the one about Segi was a disappointment. I don't expect a kids' show for kids that young to delve that deep into the "African Americans! Go back to Africania" aspect of racism. But the fact a character in a book prefers a neon colored teddy bear because brown is the color bears naturally can be gets misinterpreted as racism, it really feels like the episode's heart is in the right place, but the writers just couldn't find a situation that didn't sound too harsh for the target audience. I do feel kinda bad about ripping on it in that aspect. They could have done so much better, though.