Tommy, just browsed throughthe site and I like the direction it's taking. Here are a few tips/questions.
1 Alphabetization of the character's names needs to be implemented to make it a well-working encyclopedia.
2 Alice does look like Snuffy only smaller. Other than this, her fur is a lighter shade of brown and she wears a baby blue bow over her eyes on top of her head.
3 How did you arrive at the Count's age? Where does it say that? Hope you got the post I made earlier about his particular vampiric origins. Also, there's a sketch from Season 3, if that's correct, where he's counting the blocks from a pyramid that Ernie built. This is the only documented moment I know of thanks to the MC forums where the Count employed a power of vampiric hypnotism to make both Ernie and Bert in turn silent whilst the Count counted the pyramid blocks. First, he destroyed the pyramid by putting the blocks apart as he counted them, then he reassembled the pyramid counting the blocks again, and finally ruined the pyramid counting the blocks a final time which made Ernie sad with Bert's interference causing the third counting of the blocks.
4 As for the Countesses, just refer to the post I made earlier.
5 Grover's Mommy, never appeared on the show to my recollection. But I could be wrong on this, and there's a really good full-body picture of the character on the cover of the book Sesame Street Treasury Vol. 4 where she's walking Dimples the Dog.
6 Who's Furline Huskie? Is this name spelled correctly? Please describe him further since I don't know this character.
7 Benny Rabbit worked at the Furry Arms Hotel owned by Sheri Netherland and managed by Humphrey and Ingrid, the parents of Baby Natasha.
8 Polly Darton usually sang country songs with a back up group of Muppet dogs called the Git Along Little Doggies, and her most famous song denoting her home or living quarters is "My Old Triangle Home" or "Triangle Home".
9 Professor Hastings most famous song is the U Lecture conducted with Ernie and the Proffessor found on the record album The Sesame Street Muppets sing the Alphabet or Alphabet Album.
10 The Zizzy Zoomers are among the classic ancient characters of the show. Basically, they were Muppet heads like the Muppaphones except that the Zoomers zipped along in a dark outer space background singing a song about all kinds of Z-named movements they could make at a fast pace. The song's also on the Alphabet Album.
Hope this helps the cause.