Sorry to bump the thread, but this seemed like the place to post. I actually had a strange but kind of cool Sesame Street dream the other day. I was actually listening to Bob McGrath's Favorite Street Songs while trying to go to sleep, or more specifically "Somebody Come and Play" off the album. While I heard Bob singing off the album though while I slept, in my dream I had a visions of him walking down Sesame Street (from Hooper's to 123 Sesame)singing the song. The trippy part though was while he sang and walked, both he and the street aged and evolved, starting from how they both originally looked in the seventies to how they both look today. (In other words, at the Fix-it-shop/Hooper's Store side it was all seventies era, the arbor area: eighties, 123: nineties, etc) It was a definitely a weird vision, but an amazing one that I wish such a clip really did exist.