Hey, I ain't just saying Disney, lower gate prices... I'm saying round the board sweeping price declines in everything... mid sized action figures for 5-7 bucks (No way should a shrimpy G.I. Joe/Star Wars/Wolverine 3" AF go for 8 bucks! That's what we were paying 5 years ago for deluxe Muppet AF's), snack treats under a dollar... come on. They make this crap for literally pennies at Korean and Chinese sweat shops.... only things I ever see selling are things at deep discount clearances or sales. They're going to lose money anyway...
Oh I know right? The whole new Marvel line SUCKS. I like small figures, but these are just cheap, scrawny and way too much.
Does Marvel(Toy Biz) even remember the 1992-1996 line? Actually the entire 80's to 90's DC and Marvel line was fantastic. To this day I enjoy picking up good condition DC/Marvel figures from the Super Powers/Secret Wars/90's line.
And yeah, I mean you go into Toys R Us or Target, and $10 for authentic 1989 TMNT figures? When ya can go to any flea market, ebay auction, used toy store, etc and get em for a buck? Noones buying those ones, and Playmates got so lazy after Fast Forward that all the new figures are stuck on the attrocious TMNT movie backing(I LOVED the Imagi 2007 TMNT film, but compared to the 2003-2006 figure line art it doesnt fly)
I really liked the colorful, well done figures Playmates was doing 2003-2006, *sigh*
But yeah, now days...its literally Transformers Animated(hate it),
GI Joe(never cared for it, cept Sigma 6), Star Wars(talk about over saturation ubiquity), Power Rangers(.....), Pro Wrestling(still?), DC/Marvel(small figures for too much), Naruto/DragonBall and other Jump properties(kind of cool figures), and then the Pokemon/Yu Gi Oh/Ben 10/Monster in my pocket ball stuff. I see not much outside of this paradigm, as Walmart and Target have dramatically cut back on toys, and overall the American toy market has really narrowed. Even the NECA/Meco collector's market. (Hence why I love seeing retro toy shops or sites and seeing a virtual museum of all the 70's, 80's and early 90's action figure lines and realizing how many properties there were out there)
I also cant stand artificial scarcity. Recently there was a conspiracy by personal online sellers(ebay types) to rush to every Toys R Us(excl retailer of Monsters vs Aliens), and grab up every single Monsters Vs Aliens toy and plush. I saw the movie and absolutely loved it, but noticed Toys R Us no longer had anymore MvA stuff despite the movie had just came out. Went online, and voila...all the stuff gone from TRU shelves was now being pilfered at high prices on ebay. I hate those ebay people sometimes. (Especially since almost every 90's and early 2000's video game based toy is going for upwards of a hundred bucks)
These same people took American jobs, gift wrapped them, gave them to China, Mexico, and India (with the exception of Mexico, this made them a stronger economic power than us) just because they could go behind those pesky commie ideas like unions, minimum wage, health benefits... and general safety concerns (them pinkos! Trying to give workers a fare share). And somehow, even with the shipping and duty and fueling it makes everything almost a buck cheaper per unit to produce. Which naturally means they keep everything at the same price. Now we're all suffering from it. but hey, we get to buy lightbulbs at Walmart for 6 cents less than if they were made in the US.
I personally wish more things were made in America. Even made in America, really mades all the parts were made and assembled in Indonesian and Vietnamese sweat shops then "packaged" here.
The US government has sunk trillions into horrific wars that only benefited the wealthy elite, as well as have given out trillions to greedy corrupt bankers and corporations...letting schools, cities, etc dilapitate and most of the big American companies moving overseas for cheap "fair trade" labor. And then insult to injury,
we have these horrific human rights abusing countries like China that have America by the you know what finanically, to the tune of over a trillion. Its bad enough China sends millions of poison products to America, like toys and dog food...they get caught proxying/financing African genocide for secret oil contracts and committing mass human rights abuses on their own people.
And then the other big country the US government is in bed with, Saudi Arabia not only has no rights for women, they keep getting caught sponsoring the very terrorists who attack America and American interests.
And so we have Sesame Street putting out these "This is why your daddy is back with a missing leg and a psychotic breakdown" specials, because the same Washington DC scoundrels who tried to pull the plug on PBS are the ones sending young kids off to die in wars to fight "Islamic militants" the US created and America's Middle Eastern allies secretly finance.
See what ya do Dr Tooth, ya bring the verbose ranter in me, ha.
Now where were we? Oh yes, Disney being stuck in their own box.