I realize this thread is relatively old in respect to the release dates of the figures, but I just thought I'd share that Electronics Boutique in my local mall just started carrying S9 about a week ago for $9.99. I bought white shirt Lips, Pops and Steppin' out Fozzie and left the other Lips repaints (only one of each was out) and a couple of Chefs, SO Foz, and Pops. I went back yesterday, and only one Pops, one Chef, and Silver Shirt Lips were out, SO:
Either their bein' rully stingy and leaving the other figs in the back, or they only ordered the one case.
PLUS; Sam Goody in the same mall clearanced out every S8 fig on down and those sold instantly, so I never got S8 Scooter or Dr. Phil, DANG! They still have The Newsman and Link Hogthrob though, can you believe it? And for dirt cheap too! But me thinks because they're also part of the Suncoast/Media Play mafia, they will no longer be carrying any figs either! Not that S10 will be in any stores, but that means that S8 & S9 seem to have gone the way of the dodo faster then any other line. Sucks big time!
What I'm curious about is; are any stores carrying the backstage playset? Or am I gonna' have to order it online or wait until a comic con to get my hands on it?
And finally, for those of you who are here in the good 'ol land o' Jersey like myself (and I know several of you are) the local mall I speak of is Monmouth Mall in Eatontown.