Um, where on MC or anywhere does it say they wont be releasing a few Muppets(like Sal) as con exclusives?
Second, man that freaking Oz special. am I the only one that just feels sadness seeing that trailer for it? My god. It tears me apart to see all the hard work, speculation, etc weve had on here for 7 years...looking back on all the legacy of JHC for 50 see everything end up how it has in 2005. If I Ran a Muppet site, I'd be telling people to email that Chris Curtain with what the *real* Muppet fans have to think.
I mean, if Disney's next use of the Muppets is a remake of Gone with the Wind, will everyone be excited about that too? Sad.
Luke, so there's possible talks with other companies eh? Well as the recent JimHill article points out, going 9 or 10 series with any line is amazing...even if its just 3 years. That still is very very good for the collector market.
I'd LOVE nothing more than to see a return to the 3.5-4" style...if this would be done, I could begin to see things Disney's way.