Vacation Pepe is the Toyfare exculsive version. $20 Pending!
Blue version of the Target exclusive Koozebane Kermit. $20
Silver shirt variant of Lips from Series 9. $50
Brown shirt version of Lips. $50
The silver shirt version of Janice. $15 Pending!
The OMGCNFO variant of Animal. $15
The Collector's Paradise exclusive Animal. $15
The OMGCNFO Flashback Version (grey) of Uncle Deadly. $10 Sold!
Series one Miss Piggy. I've got 2 of these, $4 each.
The Electric Mayhem playset with the original Animal figure. $100
Blue version of the Target exclusive Koozebane Kermit. $20
Silver shirt variant of Lips from Series 9. $50
Brown shirt version of Lips. $50
The silver shirt version of Janice. $15 Pending!
The OMGCNFO variant of Animal. $15
The Collector's Paradise exclusive Animal. $15
The OMGCNFO Flashback Version (grey) of Uncle Deadly. $10 Sold!
Series one Miss Piggy. I've got 2 of these, $4 each.
The Electric Mayhem playset with the original Animal figure. $100