>>>It is just my prediction that if America wages war on Iraq, they will probably instate a draft<<<
Cantus, 3 things to ease your fears:
1) There is a pretty close to zero percent chance any sort of draft would be installed for a possible war with Iraq. Believe me, Im sure the United States government has duped enough of age guys with their slick rap-metal backed ad campaigns.
2) In the absolutely unlikely event a draft was induced,
there in the modern age is so many loopholes to get out of said draft. And if all else fails, there's always turning into a hockey loving hooser eh!
Bush: Osama is our #1 enemy!
Bush advisor: Um, Mr. President we spent countless billions, bombed countless civilians, and we still couldnt find him.
Bush: um...Saddam is our #1 enemy!
Even Time and other mainstream publications have stated it is a personal Bush jr. vendetta or legacy or something. Add to that the millitary privately is saying they want a January or February attack date...so a desert storm 2.0 next year looks like a possibility. However, such a publicity media ripe super information highway soundbyte extravaganza would never gain acceptance if a draft was taken up.