Guess who is back...

- me?

- Me?

- moi.
YES!... NO!!! Or... um sort of. "Moi" is French isn't it? Not that I speak french but... ANyway! I guess you guessed that I guessed you'd guess that I'm the one who is back since I said "Guess who is back" and usually you say that when you want people to know that you yourself are the one who is back, except from when you say "Guess who is back" and you are talking about some else........ - yep. I have missed this place a lot. But France is nice. I hope everything has been extremly boring inhere (So I haven't missed anything *tehe*) and that the twins haven't behaved well. In case they have, I promise that it won't last long.
See you tomorrow (It's lahahahahhaaaate (Was that funny? No. No? Then why did I laugh? Because you are silly. Oh right! And I'm talking to myself. I am. yep.) - I need to go to bed. This post is too long. But then again all of my posts are too long. I hope all the French (That I can't speak) haven't ruined my english. In case it has... um... I don't know.
Goodnight! See you all tomorrow.
P.S. No Disneyland *Sniff* - But otherwise the trip was great!