Don't worry about it, no attack taken. I was seriously saying that after seeing those pictures, that you guys were right in your decision to make him the height that you did. Either way, the sculpt is incredible, and he's my favorite figure of the whole line.
As far as correcting, or dealing with the scaling issues, there's not much that you can do. Henson definitely has there own ideas of what the characters look like, despite the evidence that we all have disputing them. For instance, somewhere about 10 years ago, they decided that Bunsen was a skinny guy with a long neck, as opposed to the rotund, no necked fellow he'd been for the previous 15 years. I was actually surprised that they let you guys make him chubby. I guess it's a crap shoot. Some stuff they'll harp on while other things they'll leave alone. That being said, you guys are doing a great job with what you have to work with. Keep up the good work.