Can I field this one?? I know I'm one of the hardcore fans not collecting every fig. There are a few reasons for that. For some of us it's a question of money and space. I work as a puppeteer and live in a fairly confined apartment which is filled with puppets, props, set pieces, a growing collection of Muppet stuff, plus whatever my wife owns. I don't really have lot of room for action figures (I already have a TON of action figures I no longer play with takign up space in my mother's basement) And I can't really afford EVERY fgure that comes out. Another part of it is that, for me, I'm really just interested in having the characters. Truth is variants don't do a lot for me. I skipped Gonzo in Series 2 cause Gonzo in a his leotard always kinda freaked me out. It's not his most flattering look and I knew that if I held out, I'd get a better Gonzo fig and the rumors have been all long that that one woul have Camilla too!! So I'd rather hold off and spend the $8 a little wiser. Tux Rowlf doesn't do much for me in Series 3 nor does MTI Sam in Series 4. I'll hold out, be patient and get the regulars cause I think they'll be even better. Becasue I know that these are figs I probably won't play with.
I don't think a hardcore Muppet fan neccessarily equates a hardcore collector. I LOVE Muppets. I always have. I'm a became a puppeteer because of Muppets. I have a lot of the books and the episodes and I have Jim's autograph hanging on my wall, and whatnot...but I don't need 6-7 figures of (insert character here) to show that. And I don't think it makes me any less of a fan or mean that I love Muppets less than someone else. It's personal preference. Now I'm not saying that there aren't exceptions to my buyign variants. I will definitly pick up a tux Teeth when it comes out, Tux Fozzie is on my possible list, Koozebane Kermit is on my list of figs I want, and yes, I even bought a Tux Kermit (for reasons I quite can't remember...impulse buy)
I should also state here (and I've said this before) that Ken and Palisades have won me over on a number of times on this line. When this line was first annouced I figured I would pick up a few figs (5-6, my faves) and be done with it, I currently have 15 of the figs (yes, some are variants). I wasn't too keen on the idea of an EM stage at first, but have been blown away by it!! Thought I would pass on Crazy Harry....until I saw him. Not really a big Miss Piggy fan and thought I would wait and get her in PIS uniform (that would have been enough to satisfy me)....until I saw the EB long-haired Piggy. So occaisionally I DO buy things out of respect for what this company has done. This is a phenomenal line and I will buy most of the figs, but I also have to excercise some control and some restraint. I don't think there's anyting worng with that and I don't think that there is anything wrong with beign the otehr way and colecting EVERYTHING. it depends on what your interest is. Hope this answers the question Wiggy. Talk to you later.