Ziffel said:
What happened in the ladybug/alligator (or lizards) one? I'm wondering if it's an animated segment where I recall this guy saying,"One from five is four, one from four is three...one from two is one." And then something like a lizard turns to (a ladybug?) and opens its mouth to eat it, but it escapes and soars rapidly up the screen. And it did have some pretty creepy music. It did give me an uneasy feeling as a little one in the early 70's watching it alone. (Heh heh, that makes it sound like the movie "Halloween" or something. Don't watch this one alone!)
There's another cool thread along these lines called,"What sketches scared you as a kid?":
I remember that cartoon too well. It starts off with some flowers and grass and a white sky. Then we shift down to the ground and we see a ladybug. Then another ladybug comes into the scene and a narrator says. "1 and 1 are 2", and someone whispers. "TWO!" Then more ladybugs enter the scene while the narrator keeps adding until there are 5 ladybugs.
Then we see 5 eggs and five alligators hatch from them while the narrator adds again. Then the gators go off and hide into places like the hatched egg, up a tree, in the tall grass, and a pond, while the narrator subtracts them. When there was one gator left, they zoom into the gator's eye real fast, (Scary scene), and we see the ladybugs again.
Then the ladybugs fly away one at a time while the narrator subtracts again. One ladybug stays and the gator approaches it licking its chops. Then the gator tries to snap at the ladybug all over the place while the music gets even intenser and scarier. Then the ladybug escapes and we shift back to the flowers, grass, and the white sky, ending the psychedelic nightmare.
With the zooming of the gator eye, the gator's attack on the ladybug, and the creepy music combined, this cartoon really spooked me in my youth. I wonder who it was who made that cartoon?