My (totally arbitrary) thought is that Fozzie really should come in at $ 499 in an edition number of 800 pieces. We know they have the body down pat. The clothing accessories (hat and tie) seem simple and taken care of too. He is tall, but the SRP doesn't include shipping.

The real problem is the facial proportion.
I don't understand the difficulty in mass production of that. Each head (from upper jaw to top of head) can be stuffed with a preformed molded shape to keep that consistent. The eyes, nose and brows could easily be placed correctly afterward if there were some sort of "ratio stencil" predetermining placement. It turns into monkey work at that point doesn't it? I could be wrong. I am not a puppet builder. It's just that I always felt the armature was the tough bit and they have that down. Thoughts?
Also, finding a factory that cares enough to get it right at an agreeable price is key (and much harder than any of us imagined).