Sorry man, at least when I took pics of the family and friends, I made them say tadpole, wocka wocka, BEAT DRUM! and Hi Ho! (of course I posed them differently each time. double checking Muppet line of sight) I just wished that I had Gonzo to add to the family's happiness. There was someone at the function that had her degree in Puppeteering. She was keeping an eye on "the kids" and couldn't believe The Muppets were there. I asked her to help me breakdown so that she could get one on one time with them. It made her day. I was sooo glad i could do that for her. Prepping for the event, I had to get in the mindset of both Muppets. Thinking ahead. Normally Kermit woulod wear his Santa hat around this time, but I didn't want the family being reminded that it was the holiday season loosing their daughter, and I also didn't want kermit to have a TADA! There's the urn look to him. But keeping Animal in control is near impossible. I didn't want either to look somber.