ZEB: Pork n beans!
JEB: Close e'nuff! Eplosions!!
ZEB: I still smell somethin'...(looks back) Uh, oh! Hey, bro'?
JEB: Not now, dinghead! I'm winnin these questions!
ZEB: We're kinda what's on fire!
JEB: HUH?! (looks back) LAN'SAKES! We gonna blow up! RUN!!
Having finally realized that their dynamite was about to blow up in their pockets, they took off running up the cave--forgetting that they could pull the TNT from their back pockets and throw it--carrying their guns with them.
Halfway to the top, the dynamite exploded, sending them out the mouth of the cave flynig through the air as if blown out of a cannon, and they were never heard from again. But, the explosion caused two things to happen then. One, all the loose gold and gems that was stuck into the walls of the cave were blown loose, out, and down into Fraggle Rock; the second, a cave in happened near the mouth of the cave.
Fozzie and the others gathered up some of the gold realizing it would pay for the taxes on the Theater and the Boarding House, but it would seem that they were now stuck in Fraggle Rock, except...