Rock Paper Scissors


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2002
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Praise me, for I am your new God!

This weekend I went to Ryerson University (Boo Ry! YAY BROCK!) to visit a friend who goes there. It's right downtown Toronto.

Everyone was pumped for Saturday night, because it was the INTERNATIONAL ROCK PAPER SCISSORS COMPETITION! I had just heard of it then, but I signed up and competed! And guess who was the VERY first, numero uno one to.... lose?

You guessed it... ME! So at first I was bitter, y'know it's shameful being the first down, but then... OHO I AM FAMOUS!!! Because I was the first to lose, and because my game lasted the longest the media freakin' attacked me. I was interviewed by so many news casts, magazines and some dude who was taping a pilot for some pop-culture TV show. XD It was awesome!

I'm gonna be on some show in Boston (don't ask me why) methinks... so if anyone here's from there, look out for the bitter girl with the purple hair! (That'd be me)

Only problem is... I was really drunk by the time they got to me (well... it was at a bar! I'm only human, y'know). Can't wait to see the outcome of that on the interviews. XD

So celebrate the glory that is... ME!

Billy's Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
Purple hair - cool. Is it natraul (genetic) or dyed?

I used to have purple hair but my boss didn't think it was suitable for work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2002
Reaction score
Completely natural. My mother had pink hair and my father had blue and when I was born their genes mixed together and here I am! XP

Hee, but yeah tis obviously dyed... my hair's been purple a billion times already, as well as blue, pink, bright fire-engine red, green, orange, and mmmmmmmm... grey once too... I've been dying my hair weird colours since I was 14 or 15 (I cannot remember).

^_^ Debo

Billy's Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Boober_Baby
Completely natural. My mother had pink hair and my father had blue and when I was born their genes mixed together and here I am! XP

^_^ Debo
Funny enough - Both my Mother and my Father have grey hair - and if I don't colour my hair I get grey hairs - genetics can be so unfair