Let's pull this thread back on topic
As I mentioned in the feedback forum I was there. Although I didn't lose anybody in the attacks, the memories are still very fresh in my mind. While I thank all of you who have relatives who fought in WWII, (my own Grandfather was a SeaBee in the navy (for those of you who don't know that means that he built many of the temporary and permanent structures that were used in the war he had a degree in Civil Engineering)) I think that we should focus this thread on the people who died and on those who, like myself, lived to tell the tale.
The Demise of The Twins
One Hundred & Ten stories high
With a concourse of store after store
Five smaller buildings surrounded the core
I walked through the lobby that day
Little knowing it would soon be o’er
‘Cross from number 2, over to Fitch
Last tuna sandwich goes in the fridge
“A plane just hit ONE WORLD TRADE!”
“A What just hit Where???”
Radios are turned on, news is played
A wall behind me shakes
“The second one’s been hit! EVACUATE!!
Down the stairs and into the fray
Parts litter the street
A hand is at my feet
I call my wife to let her know I’m okay
Then move on so others can do the same
Down the streets to William
On line to call Mom
A rumble sounds “RUN!”
“What’s Happening???”
Like Lot I don’t look back
I just run from this senseless attack!
‘Round the corner to 100 John
Into a lounge where the T.V. is on
“OH MY GOD!!” Someone from the screen calls
As the SECOND TOWER falls!!
I borrow cell phones
Repeatedly calling home
At 12:00 some brave soul ventures out
And returns with food for the frightened crowd
One banana becomes my new lunch
Upon my wife’s tuna the rats will munch
At 2:00 an eerie calm sets in.
And I put my homecoming call in
Dust covers the streets like snow
As towards the Brooklyn Bridge I go
Stop to call my wife
Early prayer meeting at church! A sign of life!
I join the sorrowful mourning parade
As I make my way home this day
At the Brooklyn side water awaits
There is some good amidst this cruel hate
Miracle! The Brooklyn trains are running
A chance to rest from all my running
Drop my bag off at my house
Don’t know how I got out!!
Down to the church to pray
Thank God I made it through the day!!
The Day After
What once stood proud and tall
Now doesn’t stand at all
We thought it was built to last
Now it’s just a mass of twisted steel and glass
A hole in the skyline
A hole in my heart to match
As my breath I try to catch
Rescuers start to clean up
As my life I try to pick up
The mayor says we will rebuild
And rebuild we must
Something must rise from this dust
An attack on U.S.A.
An attack on N.Y.C.
But life will not cease
Terrorists can kill our bodies and leave them to rot
But our souls they cannot
A war we will fight
Soon Osama Bin Laden will run for his life
Destroy our buildings they can
But destroy our souls they can’t
I wrote this poem on September 12th 2001 after I returned home, I still wait for the last stanza of it to come true