My life with muppets
When I was about 5 yrs old I got to see the very first Sesame Street. I didn't know who Jim was at the time. In fact I thought that Ernie was real.
As I got older I found out who Jim was.
It wasn't until I saw the Muppet Show when it first aired on tv that I got really hooked on the Muppets.
I watched The Muppet Movie, The Great Muppet Caper, Muppets Take Manhatten as well as Fraggle Rock and the magic was brewing strong.
Then I saw The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth
two excelent films that Jim had made. The Magic grew more strong.
Since the age of ten I started building my own puppets, I always wanted to join the muppets and have Jim as my boss. But May, 10th 1990 hit me
like everyone else did. My mentor, my teacher had past away.
But I stayed true to the muppets and keep the magic alive, no mater what Disney or anyelse dose.
Long Live The Magic of Henson.