I would like to say the big reason I am creative and try to show the world in a positive way is things I saw in Jim Henson. I learned how to be a better puppeteer, how to write skits, and just be goofy from some of what I saw on Jim Henson's shows. I have not been "Professional" trained as a puppeteer but hope my puppets bring joy like Jim Henson and the Muppets did for me when I was growing up.
I can totally relate. I too was self taught from what I've seen in Jim's work as I became a puppeteer. Though I believe for about a year I didn't have any puppets so I learned from my hands first and my first puppets where Muppet puppets, and then I built my first puppets out of paper before I was allowed to work with felt using a gluegun, and then I learned more about foam and so on.
The silliness of The Muppets totally introduced me to humor which is probably what got me into The Muppets in the first place before knowing anything about puppetry. That kind of wild crazy silliness is still a comedy genre that's so deep and dear to my heart. And once The Muppets where doing The Muppet Show in England, and especially getting their British writer Chris Langhum. I always felt it increased their silliness. One of the main reasons why I love British Humor (Monty Python, The Young Ones, Spitting Image, Benny Hill, Not The Nine O Clock News, etc). It's certainly something I love to see more of.

I remember hearing a lot of stories of how The Muppet Performers' favorite memories of Jim was his laughter. I think I heard a story of Jim and Dave Golez hanging out after work a bit and before they left, Jim mentioned "You know what my favorite part of tonight was? When we all laughed." There was many stories on how crazy Jim's team got on the set where they would make themselves laugh for hours and it would take them some time to get back into work. I remember a quote from someone regarding production people thinking "What are these grown adults with puppets doing?". They've always had a ball on the set. And the Wilson's Meats Meeting Film where they were all partying on the set instead of working, even thought that's an exaggerated inside joke, it's quite similar except the fun would include The Muppets. Blooper reels always show their good time on the set, which some of it would lead up to the inspiration of "Stuffed and Unstrung". Some of my all time favorite Jim Henson stories was the gags and pranks they all pulled on each other from time to time. And of course they were always silly and innocent, sometimes a bit irreverent but always in great spirits. Jim felt that people had the wrong idea of work and said that the feeling of accomplishment is more satisfying then enjoying a good meal or looking at someone's wealth. Jim had tons of fun with his work and I think the film industry can learn a lot from Jim on that.

Frank said once "A typical director when they see someone mess up on the set and shout get them out of here, Jim had enormous patience and kindness for his team." That's another aspect I loved about him and it's quite inspiring. Especially an artist to lead a team. Or any leader to lead a team. Jim was the great leader who lead my example without rasing his voice.
I remember seeing The Secrets of The Muppets as the camera revealed The Muppet Performers, my mouth dropped. lol I remember hearing some stories online years ago on how there was kids that felt a bit betrayal when they found out that The Muppets were puppets and not living, breathing creatures in our realm of reality. I for one never felt like that and even to this day, I feel they do exist in a realm of fantasy, doesn't mean they aren't real, they are but in a different universe. But in this one, well "helping hand" might sound like a bad pun but we all get the idea. lol
Anyway when I seen the footage and my mouth dropped, I was so amazed and thought "So that's how Muppets work!, what's this under their wrists, is that how their arms move?" and from that point on, I wanted to become a puppeteer. Even today I would love the opportunity to write for The Muppets and perform in the background just to know the joy of what it feels like to live my ultimate childhood dream come true.

I have a feeling that it might happen within my life's journey, I don't know how or when, but I just have that good feeling.