It's not very often that I find myself at a loss for words, but they just don't want to come.
All those times that I told myself, "I really should go by MC and say 'hello'...there are some people I really miss." She was one of those people. I was really looking forward to starting to come back in here and catching up. She actually once started up a whole thread, just trying to find out where I had gone off to...just because she cared...because apparantly I was missed. It meant more to me than I realized until right now, and I don't think I ever even said "Thank You".
I guess now it's my turn to miss her. And just when I was beginning to believe that there really WAS some sense of "fairness" in the universe...apparantly I was wrong. This just isn't fair. She deserved better. The only comforting thing is the thought that in whatever afterlife there may be, there are people who's existances are about to be enriched, just by her presence...and apparantly they needed her more. But I'm selfish...she was our friend first ******, and we weren't done with her yet.
I should have "stopped in"'s just not right.