My entire family has worked in the steel industry and I have been both scared and obsessed with this film since I was very little. My heartrate would always seem to go up everytime it came on.....you never knew when to expect it, you just sat there and waited for the dreaded Red-hot-I to show up in your face everytime the letter of the day was "I"- lol! For those of you wondering what exactly is going on in that film, let me explain:
This is a red-hot "ingot", or large block of steel being rolled into something called a "beam blank", which would have later been rolled into an I-beam on another rolling mill. It is NOT being forged- The ingot is being passed back and forth between two large rollers (one on top of the "I" that you can see in the film and one is on the bottom) The beam blank is flipped on its side by the two things on either side of the "I", which are called manipulators, every few passes through the rolling stand. With each pass back and forth, the ingot is gradually rolled into a roughly-shaped I-beam. (Much of this film is edited and several shots are missing, which is why we see the ingot being transformed into the I-shape in about 30 seconds.) I actually have another film from Bethlehem Steel which shows the same thing, minus the scary music. This process of rolling ingots into semi-finished shapes was phased out several years ago and they now bypass that whole step with a process called "continuous casting".
To the best of my knowledge, they no longer produce large structural steel shapes like that in this country, and I seriously doubt that the steel mill that this was filmed in still exists, due to the terrible economic conditions that the American steel industry has faced. I wish I could find out exactly which mill this was filmed at.
And by the way, If anyone is interested, I have this bit on DVD, 5 times, back-to-back. If you want a copy, email me.