Spending $10 million dollars on a 2 hour TV movie shows that NBC was after something
BIG in the ratings. The average cost of a TV movie is $5 million. As for having no yardstick to measure the Muppets by, they probably perceived them to be more popular than they actually are nowadays. The Muppets are pop icons and I'm sure NBC was counting on this to bring in significantly more than 11mil. viewers. The network obviously had faith in the film, but 11 million viewers for a $10 million, 2 hour production probably isn't going to inspire them to commission anymore Muppet movies at that price. Friday night was a mistake, because it was the holiday weekend and everyone was at the cinema. It
may have been better for it to air on a Sunday. CBS always does killer numbers on that night with their Hallmark fare. NBC was probably hoping for 15 million viewers or more. Of course we have to take into account foreign and home video sales. If those do well enough NBC may wish to produce another film (at a cheaper price). But I know alot of people who aren't buying the video because they want a DVD