obscure guys I'd love to include
Lips, Pops, Uncle Deadly, Marvin Suggs, Bean, Clifford, Pepe, Dr. Phil, Johnny and Sal.
I think guys like Clifford and Pepe are definitly in the running because they're in the movies and Ken has stated he would like to do these guys. I doubt Palisades will get a license to do MT or JHH but I think I think a licsense to the movies is almost inevitable. So my feel is this. If you can find more than oen credit for a character, they've got a pretty good shot. The only one who I think will slip through the cracks on this rule (and mind you this is MY rule so it may be wrong) is UncleDeadly. He's too cool a sculpt to pass up. Although I read seomwhere that they were deveopling a new series for him. 'Uncle Deadly's House of Weirdness" I think it's supposed to eb a Sat morning type thing if it actually gets made. Who knows maybe a successful figure would help sell the tv series and vice-verse.