RaceMania replacement voices

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Didn't know where to post this, but I've been wondering what the replacement voices from Muppet RaceMania sound like. These are, of course, the voices for those characters whose original performers have passed on. Bill Baretta subbed for Henson on Rowlf & the Swedish Chef, John Kennedy subbed for Henson as Dr. Teeth, and Matt Vogel subbed for Richard Hunt as Scooter and Janice. I have also heard that Steve Whitmire did Link Hogthrob. How are these voices as compared to the originals? Any good? Better yet, anyone got sound clips?

Incidentally I just read the Muppets from Space credits and I had thought that it was Kennedy who did Dr. Teeth in that film, not Baretta. I had also not remembered Baretta doing Rowlf or the Swedish Chef in that film- did I just miss them or is the Imdb info incorrect?

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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actually, if i remember correctly, Rowlf didn't speak in MFS...he showed up, just never said anything


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Gorgon Heap
How are these voices as compared to the originals? Any good? Better yet, anyone got sound clips?
They are for the most part VERY good. I think Phillip posted a way of emulating Playstation before so you can play the game on your PC if you don't have a Playstation. I guess then you could hear, i don't think there are sound clips on the net. It might be a nice addition to the MC review though.

As for voice info, Danny has a 'Who's Who' of Muppet voices over at Toughpigs. I can't remember the actual link or the name he gave it but he includes all the racemania credits.