I know that this may seem rather pretentious of me, but I'm going to quote what I came up with whilst trying to relax in bed Wednesday morning in an attempt to sleep and it boils down to last week when I heard of yesterdays event.
Wanted to say something. which I wanted to be kind of personal but at the same time tell Kermit, and if I'm honest Jim Henson as well, I can't help but think Jim was watching over us yesterday in London, I know this sounds silly to some bit its something I believe in and I woul;dnt be surprised if he was - and to be Fair, Steve as well.) and wanted to say it in such a way that it wasn't half baked or came out wrong but what I said to Kermit is exactly what I came up with.
"All my life, you have touched me.
And this is because in your Heart you have Jim Henson,
And because you have him in your Heart,
Jim Henson touches us all."
I admit I was emotional yesterday with saying this to Kermit (again I didnt expect the round of applause and that may have added to feeling so ovwerwhelmed) but it just felt so right to say this.
This is my quote.