Question about World's Oldest Fraggle

Tom Fraggle

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2012
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Why would the world's oldest Fraggle would always hit Henchy Fraggle with his seapter?
I mean that's not very nice!
I'm not sure why, but I often thought it wasn't very nice of him to do that either. Especially when Henchy was only just trying to help.

I guess it boils down to some older folks don't like to be reminded they're old. My grandpa is like that, he'll speak, need help remembering or doing something, but will get upset at us if we try to help him with it. He's said often more than once he hates getting old, still wants to do what he use to do, but can't.

So maybe The World's Oldest Fraggle is only taking his anger out on Henchy because Henchy makes him feel so old. /heh

I actually felt pity for Henchy when he stole the Fraggle Horn to keep from getting hit with the walking stick all the time.

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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(Gasps)! Henchy stole the Fraggle Horn? No wonder Red didn't know who stoled it. First, she accused Boober, because he doesn't attend all Great Hall meetings and Marlon when he hid the marble in the Horn. Ooops! Maybe when he got so obessed with the Fraggle Horn, he forgot that he had a marble in his hand. What was Dectective Red was guilty of? False accusation for the second time. She knew she made some dumb mistakes.