Question about production of Muppet Action Figures...

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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I would like to know something: why are figures like VC Beaker or Invisible Beaker produced in such a short number since they are always the most wanted?

Wouldn't Palisade get more money and wouldn't fans be more pleased if such Figures were produced like regular Figures?

Or maybe (this is a suggestion) for those who can't attend convencions and can't join the clubs and can't get the special Figures, can't a special line with those special Figures be made next year or something?

What I mean is - by producing the special figures like regular ones in a 8th or 9th line wouldn't everyone be happier?

Can anyone help me here?

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I think that people want these figures because they are so rare. That is why demand for them is so great. Had they been mass produced, I don't think the demand for them would be as great.

The reason these figures are produced in such small quanities is because they are made as promotions to get people to attend conventions and industry parties. They are special incentives for people to come.

It's how the toy industry works, unfortunatly they cannot please everyone, and there will always be something out there unavailable to the general public.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah and it shouldn't be too hard to join the club anyway - they'll be opening it to new members every so often apparently ... and there's always Ebay ! *bows down to the Muppet god Ebay*

Just get into credit card fraud - then you'll be able to afford everything !!!!! ;-)

(Just to emphasise - that was a JOKE and Muppet Central does NOT support credit card fraud - just Penguin lapdancing clubs !) :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Lorde Pompeo

I want to answer these questions thoroughly for you, but first I have a question for you so I don't bore you. How familiar are you with action figure collecting in general? This industry in general?

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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I am not familiar at all...

Now I have the feeling that if I was familiar I wouldn't be asking these questions...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The prinicpal of supply and demand is easily used in the toy industry. Let's say a company, Palisades, is producing a toy with a low production run, meaning supply is low, therefore demand with be high because of the rarity. If this low prod run figure was then mass produced then demand would be low because isn't as rare.

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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So, you mean that these special Figures like VC Beaker or Invisible Beaker or Invisible Fozzie are offers... like presents?

Or even tough they are a factor to atract people to the conventions they are still sold at regular prices?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Lorde Pompeo Hi!
I would like to know something: why are figures like VC Beaker or Invisible Beaker produced in such a short number since they are always the most wanted?

First, an exclusive in a shorter number allows you the opportunity to make a figure that might not be strong enough to be in an assortment at retail. A lot of folks might like the VC Beaker, but he is simply not the kind of figure you can put in an assortment and expect to be a good seller. Why the smaller number? Because of two reasons. One, it generates collectibility and interest in the line. Two, there is no real guarantee or gauge that a larger quantity will sell.

Collectors like collectibility. If you lay a bunch of stuff on the table and say "Here, take a free fig! We got tons of them!" Many people will look at the fig and decided they don't want one. You lay the same figs on the table, say "Look here's an exclusive figure, costs ten bucks and only 1000 were ever produced!" a lot more people are goign to be interested. Cause THAT'S collectible.

Wouldn't Palisade get more money and wouldn't fans be more pleased if such Figures were produced like regular Figures?

Not necessarily. See above.

What I mean is - by producing the special figures like regular ones in a 8th or 9th line wouldn't everyone be happier?

That will alienate your collector consumer base. Imagine this. You pay a premium price to get a fairly rare VC Beaker on e-bay. We decide, next year, to release VC Beaker on a card again for 8.99...would you not be angry that you spent 50 bucks and now people can get it for 9? You can't re-release exclusives. Maybe a second run of a regular fig, but no way on a figure that was supposed to be rare in the first place.

Does that answer your questions?

Lorde Pompeo

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2002
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Thank you!

Yep! It answers my questions...

It didn't leave me exactly pleased because if in the future I find a way to start buying the Figures on my own instead of recieving them as presents, like UncleDuke did for me (or should I say St. UncleDuke), I won't be able to get these fabulous exclusives...

On the other hand... If I quit school right now I might be able to find a job and THEN I will have some money to buy the Figures including the exclusives... That's it!

But if I quit school I won't have enough education and I won't get a well-payed job SO I won't have enough money to buy the Figures, let alone the Exclusives...

But if I keep on studying, then when I finish University, every single Figure (Regular and Exclusive) will be sold and I won't get them anyway...

I want your opinion, people:

Should I get a job OR should I keep on studying?

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly
What I mean is - by producing the special figures like regular ones in a 8th or 9th line wouldn't everyone be happier?

That will alienate your collector consumer base. Imagine this. You pay a premium price to get a fairly rare VC Beaker on e-bay. We decide, next year, to release VC Beaker on a card again for 8.99...would you not be angry that you spent 50 bucks and now people can get it for 9? You can't re-release exclusives. Maybe a second run of a regular fig, but no way on a figure that was supposed to be rare in the first place.

Does that answer your questions?
if THAT doesn't answer your question, ask a Star Trek colletor about the Playmates 1701 Picard release...