The official "explanation" of Skeeter's mysterious disappearance was that she didn't go into show biz with the rest of her friends and became an explorer, trekking through the Amazon.
However, I wrote her in one of my TMS outlines (special guest Sting, coincidentally) where she returns, and she's become a cynical, artistic sort. (long hair, black leather jacket, etc.) It doesn't take her long to develop a crush on Zoot, either. I could easily see her performed by Karen Prell or Fran Brill.
Sample dialogue:
Scooter: "You like ZOOT?!"
Skeeter: "Yeah! There's more to him than what you see. He's very deep and poetic. The words he speaks make me shiver."
Zoot: "Huh?"
Skeeter: *faints*