PVC mini figures question


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Non-cc members pay 5 dollars shipping for each, but I think it's less when you buy more. I suppose it is possible that people are waiting for all 6 to be out inorder to save on shipping. I hope that is why they have yet to sell. Even 8 dollars each without shipping is a bit much, but worth it once you have the figures.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Shipping for one mini is 2 dollars, shipping for 2 is 5. Shipping for 6 should be only 7 though, where as it would cost you 12 (if you buy one at a time) or 15 dollars (if you buy 2 at a time). So, I think people are waiting to save about half on shipping. If you can knock 8 dollars off of the total, that's not too bad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Well, obviously if these had been released in stores, theyd go to the discount isle pretty quickly, so Palisades was put in a stuff spot. It is simply a fact that Muppet collectors are a bit underground, given Muppet fandom is so tiny it seems like sometimes. A franchise around for 50 years, yet half a century later it feels so special and unique(I dont get any sort of feeling when someone tells me they are a simpsons or snoopy fan...but muppets, I light up like no tommorrow!)

A bit off topic...but yeah, $8 plus shipping for a pvc, no matter how glorious, for most is not enough to warrant a purchase. I don't see why Palisades doesn't just sell the EM band set together, for like $30, $35 or more. Heck I would pay that much in advance!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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These should have been released all at once instead of 2 at a time. You think it works out cheaper being 2 at a time, but with shipping it doesn't. It's fine for cc members, because they get free shipping, but for non-cc members it stinks. I'm sure people are waiting for the full set.

They tried selling things in sets, but that didn't work. Of course the EM thing is a little different, but not really. I'm sure more people will buy ANimal than Fooyd (if any casual people are buying these). I think they should be released at the same time though. I'd much rather pay 7 dollars shipping all at once than wait a month between purchases and pay 5 dollars more for shipping. You can still pick and choose if you like, but you can save on shipping if you want them all. IUt may also help if the minis get a little more of a push. Perhaps a nice group shot of all the minis would be good. Push it a little more on the site.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah, I am disappointed the minis really havent been mentioned hardly anywhere online...if Palsiades are disappointed by sales, perhaps it is because only the most dedicated hardcore Muppet fans even know they exist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Indeed, marketing seems a definite problem for Palisades, though remember they only have one guy doing it and he has to try and promote the company and all the mass retail products first. They aren't THAT bad at it, i'm not saying that, but compared to the great quality of the products and licenses they don't seem to always get the attention they really deserve and yeah, maybe that's part of the reason for the problems sometimes. Maybe it isn't just their fault, magazine editors and commercial webmasters are only ever gonna publish what they think the readers want - maybe the fans should write and say how much they enjoy the Palisades coverage etc?

I agree on the PVC's. I thought maybe doing the two at a time thing was a good idea and make sure people come back to the site each month but on reflection yeah, maybe releasing em all at a time and then letting people pick is the way to go. I'm glad they got away from 3 packs though, that's good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hey Luke, thanks for that. You're right. I am doing EVERYTHING I can, but I am ONE person. Nice to see someone feeling my pain, a bit.