Mike! Thanks for taking the photos. I'm hoping to gather photo cd's from everyone (getting mine made today) to create one full CD of the weekend to share with everyone.
Anybody who has ANY pictures of the weekend, please send a CD to:
Kevin L. Williams/Audition Pics
POB 750823
Memphis, TN 38175-0823
I'll collect all photos together in seperate folders and send them to the participants.
The food was italian and it was awesome! However, the company was way better than the food! I posted some details in a different thread. I think something Muley did this weekend he needs to do more often when he shouted out, "Okay, time for audience participation! Who's the lady here with the biggest hair?" That made me laugh to myself (and I HOPE it was funny).
Anthony, we voted and decided that you can't know what the surprise was...but, WOE will tell everybody else. You just can't read it! (just kiddin').
Man, I wish you could have stayed just ONE MORE NIGHT!!!! AAUGH!