SO FAR! (Second time round lol)
Scene One Intro/Fraggle Hall
(The Overture plays. Once played the instrumental “Music Box” plays as the revolving stage of Fraggle Rock is slowly revealed. Lights slowly shine onto a doozer construction as doozers drive along a doozer road on a doozer truck. The Fraggle Rock section of the revolving stage should be coated with glitter so it seems more magical when the lights slowly reveal Fraggle Rock. Once the instrumental ends the opening bass beat plays, when the music for the theme song plays gobo runs through the audience holding a postcard in his hand. When gobo steps onto the stage everyone pops out from behind Rocks, the stage is now brightly lit up and the opening number begins.)
Fraggles; Dance your cares away (clap, clap)
Worry’s for another day,
Let the music play (Clap, Clap)
Down on Fraggle Rock (Clap, Clap)
Doozers; Work your cares away,
Dancing’s for another day
Fraggles; Let the Fraggles play, we’re
Gobo; Gobo
Mokey: Mokey
Wembley: Wembley
Boober: Boober
Red: Red!
(Short Instrumental)
Fraggles; Dance your cares away (clap, clap)
Worry’s for another day,
Let the music play (Clap, Clap)
Down on Fraggle Rock (Clap, Clap)
(Bigger) Dance your cares away (clap, clap)
Worry’s for another day,
Let the music play (Clap, Clap)
Down on Fraggle Rock (Clap, Clap)
Down on Fraggle Rock (Clap, Clap)
Down on Fraggle Rock (Clap, Clap)
Boober; Down on Fraggle Rock!
(Song Ends)
Gobo; Ha, Ha, nice song everyone, hey!
Mokey; Awwww is it over? I like that song
Gobo; Yah, sorry Mokey
Boober; Good, got socks to wash.
Gobo; Boober! Surly you have something better to be doing than washing socks!
(Long pause, Boober raises an eyebrow, looks up as if thinking, than looks back at Gobo)
Boober; No not really, (Goes back to the stage set, and takes a stone trolley full of laundry from where it was leaning on the wall, and rolls it past Gobo & Mokey and through the audience) oh he joy of laundry, (sigh & exits)
Red; (From a stone opening/window) well, that’s Boober for yah! By the way, have any of you seen Wembley? I want him to help me with my world record attempt for the longest time to balance a pickle on my nose.
Gobo; No, haven’t seen him round since we sung the Fraggle song a moment ago.
Mokey; Do you think he might have gone to see the trash heap?
Gobo; Yah…yah! Your right, he might have done! I’ll go check (Is about to leave when Mokey stops him by putting her hand gently onto his chest.)
Mokey; Wait, wait Gobo. Have you gone to outta space today?
Gobo; yah, I got another postcard from my uncle travelling matt, see? (Shows her the postcard he’s holding)
Mokey; Than you’d had enough adventure for today, here (Takes him to his bed on the left side of the set) you rest here (Lays him down) have a rest, read the postcard, relax and I’ll be back in a jiff.
Gobo; Well, Mokey, I don’t mind going to....
Mokey; (Interrupting) no, no, no it’s NO problem, you stay here, and I’ll be back as soon as possible (Gives Gobo a little kiss on the cheek than leaves) bye! (Exits)
(Red comes down from where she originally was down to next to Gobo in her own bed where she sits crossed legged looking at Gobo)
Red; So, where do you think Wembley went off to?
Gobo; I don’t know, but you know how much wimbler he is, he’s probably still in bed trying to work out which side of the bed he should get out on!
Red; (Laugh) yah, gotta point there.
Gobo; hey, while we wait for Mokey, wanna hear this new postcard?
Red; Oh GOD!
Gobo; What?
Red; You believe everything that your crazy uncle says in those postcards!
Gobo; What you saying Red?
Red; I’m saying it’s a bunch of Radishes! Fiction Gobo, to think you actually believe all that rubbish he writes to you
Gobo; (Angrily) Hey! My Uncle Matt is a genius he’s not crazy and he’d never lie to me! (Sigh) you know, I can still remember the day he left to go and explore outta space (Spotlight goes onto Gobo and everything else blacks out. Guitar music plays) just like yesterday
Uncle Matt appears as if Gobo was remembering)
Uncle Matt; Come along now young Fraggle, I’m going to explore Outta Space, would you like to accompany me up to the entrance?
Gobo gets up from the bed)
Gobo; Oh Boy would I!
Uncle Matt; Follow me Gobo, Follow me
Uncle Matt; You see, everyday the world begins again,
Sunny skies or rain,
Come and follow me
Every sunrise shows me more and more
So much to explore,
Come and follow me
Matt & Gobo; Every morning,
Every evening,
Calling me away
(Instrumental – spoken)
Uncle Matt; Well, come along now, this way (Points to the left) Gobo; no, matt, I think it’s this way (Points to the right) Matt; Are, yes your right (They begin to walk across the many balcony levels of the Fraggle set) Ok nephew, now you sing
(Back to song – sung)
Gobo; While the sun goes round I’ll still be round,
I’ll still be found,
Following the sound,
Something’s calling me,
When the world goes drifting back to bed,
Memories in my head,
Wonders follow me.
(Chorus x2)
(Song Ends)
(They both stop in front of a hole on the right side of the stage)
Uncle Matt; Now, onto meet destiny!
Scene Two – Lighthouse (Memory)
(The stage spins around to change into the Lighthouse. If the show’s being performed in America, this would be the Workshop set, and the captain would be “Doc”. You can just see Uncle Matt trying to wriggle out of the hole in the wall; suddenly you can hear barking off stage, he goes back into the hole.)
The Captain; (Enters with a yellow dog bowl with “Sprocket” printed on the side) Sprocket! Dinner time!
(Sprocket enters behind the captain barking excitedly.)
Alright now! Calm down you wee little ferret! (Places the bowl down in front of sprocket. Sprocket bends over and eats it excitingly. Uncle Matt appears in the hole again, looking confused.)
Uncle Matt; (Gets out a note pad and speaks what he writes) the first being’s I met here in Outta Space were two strange looking creatures. The first was furless and had a peach coloured skin, he wore a Fraggle sailor’s cap upon his small amount of grey hair on the top of his head. He also wore the traditional Fraggle Sailor gowns. The second creature was small, furry, grey, long eared, long tailed and (Sniff, Sniff) ERR! Has a fearsome breath! (He stops writing and just goes back to looking at the Captain and Sprocket
that's some of my work so far, i know it's not much, so, what you think?