Darn, I forgot about this.
Do you know if someone from here won your Kermit? Would just be comforting to know that a fellow fan will be taking care of him, imo at least. I know it's still hard.
I was the one who asked you about his fleece-type and inner lining. I totally would've put a bid on him if my life wasn't so hectic at the moment. I guess I'll just be building my own though, ha ha. If I ever get enough time (and materials! Ha ha) to make more than one, you are on my list (of one, lol) for a donated frog. I definitely know "hard times", what with getting hurt at work, then being laid off, and now losing our house... and even more stuff that I don't really talk about, ugh. I just don't understand why I'm not winning the Lottery!!
Good fortune to you sir! Cheers,