Professional Dog Hand Puppet on eBay, Terry Angus


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hi There sansconformist aka Teri. I do indeed remember you very well. How's Florida these days? I still go to Strange Adventures from time to time. For those of you who don't know Strange Adventures is a comic store here in Halifax. I'm a little bit disappointed with them these days. I told them to call me when the series 5 of the Muppet figures where to come in. Well they didn't and I missed getting them and they all sold out. RATS!

I'm sorry you had to find out about my sister on message board. There was nothing anyone could have done about it. At the time you where still in Halifax I was mainly keeping it to myself. David didn't even know at that time. Thanks for your support Teri. Before I go Teri I'll just let you know that I've got another eBay puppet up right now and it's a Reindeer named Debbie the Doe. Here's the link to her and take care of yourself.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Terry, I missed the original post about your sister; so sorry to hear. Cancer is a very bad deal most of the time; I do volunteer work for the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis and see kids all the time who are being treated for cancer and other debilitating diseases.

Again, your mastery of your puppet building craft shows through! Love me sone reindeer!

Kev le Foz

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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If you're still here, you'll want to try Third Eye Blind over on Portland St. in Dartmouth. If I can remember correctly, they have all the figures but Pepe, all at $20. If you tell the owner who you are, he'll probably give you a discount of some sort, I know he did for me (and I'm a nobody!)

Allgoods Comics down on Hollis still has a whack of Cliffords and Newsmen. They should still have a Purple Tux Gonzo, too.