MuppetCaper is really cheesing me off. First, he posted pictures that he wasn't supposed to, now he's contradicting me. Obviously, news from Travis' mouth from THIS PAST WEEKEND is the most recent news we have. This is the most recent Gonzo from the factory in China. Originally, on Wednesday, Travis said that this was the way Disney wanted to do Gonzo's nose. But later in the Con, when the Disney folks visited the booth, they said they didn't like it.
So, that's where we stand. And I don't care what anybody else is saying, Travis would not commit to a pre-order date for Gonzo.
One last thing... that is the final version of Animal. He's being manufactured as we speak. I'm sure his "hair" can be controlled... but remember, those are feathers and you have to be very careful not to break them or you're finished. Also, if you want to go back and search the threads, you'll find that everybody complained that in Terry's first two protos the hair was too sparse. Now you're complaining that there's too much. You can't have it both ways. And comparing the posers to photos of the Henson posers is useless. Pick a year... pick a version of the puppet... pick a version of the poser... every one is different. There was never any consistency from one version to the next, so how do you build a replica that fits everybody's idea of what the character should like like? You can't. I don't happen to think Kermit's eyes are too big. I've said it before... you don't like what they're doing... build your own!