Power of the Dark Crystal Gets New Writer & Director


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Apr 13, 2002
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I totally agree. And the Manga interpretations of Henson's fantasy films will never be as good as the source material.
The Gartham Wars has a beautiful cover and, from what I've read of it so far, a passable story, but the art on the gelflings is just not very good. It's a JapAnime version of what a person would look like in a gelfling costume. They have distinctly people noses and proportions. The beautiful painstakingly balanced gelfing design of Froud and the Henson team has been erased by this lazy and cheap facsimile.

Just to clarify; I use the term JapAnime not to upset fans of the Japanimation or Anime or Manga genre, but to flag this book as rather an insult to all of them in that it tries to capitalize off a fad that it doesn't fully respect or understand. I'm not a particular fan of those art forms, but I do respect them enough to recognize this cynical derivation and ask friends who are fans of the genres for their take.

I will say that other bits of the art are interesting and beautiful, but I would rather see artistic interpretations resembling Neil Gaiman's illustrated novels. The fan art in the back of the Gartham Wars is much better than the book itself.

Back on topic - the idea of an animation director helming the picture (even a very talented one like Tarkovsky) doesn't seem the correct rout to carry on such a beautifully established world.

This is one area I disagree with the master himself Jim Henson. His Dark Crystal world was so rich that it does lend itself to another story. However, I don't necessarily think the focus needs to be on the gelflings. There's so much material there that they don't need to go for the obvious rout. Of all the pitches I have heard this "fire girl" one is the least impressive. But who knows? No matter what I will turn out and see it and/or purchase the DVD.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2004
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Hmm. Personally, I agree with what Jim said about The Dark Crystal. The story just doesn't lend itself to a sequel. Maybe that's why it's being delayed. If it's a completely different storyline set within that world, perhaps, and hopefully, that's kind of what they're working toward, whether it be Tartakovsky or some new writer.

In any case, whatever they do with it, I'll definitely be seeing it.

:smile: :scary: :smile:
I'm with you. The Dark Crystal doesn't really lend itself to a sequel, though possibly a spin off story revolving around some other denzien of that world. Regardless, I'm sure I'll watch if the day does come when they sort this mess out and figure out what they're going to do.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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This is one area I disagree with the master himself Jim Henson. His Dark Crystal world was so rich that it does lend itself to another story. However, I don't necessarily think the focus needs to be on the gelflings. There's so much material there that they don't need to go for the obvious rout. Of all the pitches I have heard this "fire girl" one is the least impressive. But who knows? No matter what I will turn out and see it and/or purchase the DVD.
Actually, I'm sorry if my last post might have been a little misleading, but he said that the story of The Dark Cyrstal film doesn't lend itself to continuation. The story pretty much ends there. But, he did say other stories could take place within that world. They created enough world, several stories could exist within it.

So, the story used in the movie doesn't really continue on very well, but more stories could be told in that world. That's why I think a prequel would have been the best idea. You can use some of the characters (or at least the Skeksis and the Mystics) that everyone already knows and is used to, have a new story that connects to what we've already seen, and still have a film that doesn't feel like just a repeat of the original Dark Crystal movie.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Super Scooter

:wink: I agree with that. I suppose that is why this sequel takes place so far in the future, however I think it would have been best for the writers to look elsewhere for inpiration. The original Dark Crystal movie and story, as you have said, is perfect and requires no follow-up.

The Labyrinth story...well that could go anywhere.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2007
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A good sequel is always worth waiting for. If a few more years
means something that is true to the first film, I can wait.