I've moved this thread into the feedback section since that's where it goes, and I also cahnged the name of the thread because "HELP!!!" was misleading.
As far as I know, it's a bandwidth thing, that pictures take up too much 'net space on the main server and it's easier to set up an off-site photo gallery and then post links back here.
Also, yeah: Don't use all caps. It makes it look like you're yelling on the internet. Bad mojo.
And since this answers that question, I'll close this thread.
In the meantime: Folks--don't be flamin'! Don't play 'net cops with folks. It's not good. PM me the links, or PM Phil the links, and a description. The ISPs are different, so it's different computers which 1) means different people or 2) could be the same guy with a new computer? I dunno. Until something is more factual let it alone, please.