Well, grail is also a dork, so I guess I'm still a little better than him.
Don't worry Ms. Amy, he wasn't being a meanie. It just brings up a good discussion:
What makes a person a nerd? I mean, I ask people who call others nerds, and all I can gather is that people who aren't "nerds" are just jelous of the way others live, so they have to label them poorly. I think thats pretty sad. Like Revenge of the Nerds....um..whatever, I'm going to listen to Mr. Bassman.
I'm going to start an MC Nerd club. I am el presidente, grailo is vice, and Byron is first chair advisor. Anyone want to join? We're a fun group...we talk about comic books and video games and stuff. Woooo! Mike, break out the D&D, I'll make the drinks...orange juice for you right?