Please have mercy, dig up old SS puzzle from 1976.


Feb 17, 2006
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Forgive me for going off topic. I am desperatly looking for an old 24 piece puzzle of Cookie Monster and The Count. I've watched e-bay but, nothing.

Quick story: Sister 6 yrs younger than me. Got this puzzle and loved it as a child. Many years latter, I have children first so mom sends the puzzle home with my kids. Years latter she starts having kids, comes over when we have it out and she had major reaction, first very excited,"That's my puzzle!" Then sad because we have it (I would have totaly given it to her) then she was suppressing a bit of anger as she realized 2 missing pieces and 1 piece was broken. Okay, not a quick story but I need to purge. :embarrassed: I am ashamed and embarassed that it was not cared for better in our home. I want so badly to present her with a replacement. I have been searching so hard for so long that I would be the happiest girl on earth, I'm sure it would make her extremely happy too.:smile: