Physical Therapy (aka Physical TORTURE!)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Oh my, I too am impressed by your ability not only to get up at that hour, on a regular basis at that, but also to be functional at that time!
Everyone's right; it will get easier as you are able to handle more and more things. I had physical therapy in high school, and that's how it was for me.At least the therapists are nice! That might seem like a small thing, but it really goes a long way!
:smile: Good luck with it!
Thanks Kate.:smile: And'll get easier.
Earlier today I was trying one of the exercises that they taught me.I was supposed to hold onto 2 things stand in the middle,and kick 10 times.Well...I got to the third time and stubbed my toe! :eek: I'm OK now but from now on I'll do these exercises w/shoes on.