I don't want to sound like I hated my department, because I think all of the professors I had are really nice people and great teachers. But there definitely was an overriding sense of literary elitism that I caught. And it catches my eye when I'm reading reviews and that sort of thing, too; there was a letter to the editor in my grandparents' paper from a woman with a master's in literature saying how moronic all these people were who said LOTR was one of the great literary works of the twentieth century. She went on to say that all fantasy is simply escapism with nothing valuable to say.
I did have a children's lit class, and it turned out to be a class on teaching children's literature, intended for those on the education track, but I stayed in it because the material interested me so much. That was a great class, and I really liked what we read in it. And it was so nice to have a couple books that I could sit down and read in one sitting!! But it wasn't another literature class like the others offered at Behrend; its purpose was to concentrate on teaching methods for these books in an elementary school setting. One of the books was Harry Potter, but our teacher clearly didn't think much of it as a work of literature when judged alongside what we were reading in our other classes.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of elitism in any aspect of life; I'm just particularly sensitive to the literary variety since that's my major and the field I hope to contribute to one day. Hmmm, I wonder what Harold Bloom would have to say about one of my novels...