Pet Peeves


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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What are your pet peeves? The little, inconsequential things that just plain bug you?

I've got a few, but the biggest two are...

1) DVDs that claim that "interactive menus" are part of the special features. There's nothing special feature-y about interactive menus! They're on all DVDs!

2) CDs where the title track is somewhere in the middle of the listing, and not very first or very last. I mean, why single out a specific song just to mix it into the jumble so we never know when it's coming?

That really burns my biscuits!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Good point, I think they put the title song in the middle sometimes with the idea that people will wait and listen to the rest of the album first. Otherwise, they'll just listen to the big title song first and say "Ok, I'm done!" Lol

Of course, whoever does that has apparently never heard of the skip button! Hehe

Of course, another less cynical reason could be that since the title song is so important, they leave it towards the end as the big finale thing. ::shrugs::


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2005
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this reminds of the "what grinds my gears" segment Peter did on the news on an episode of Family Guy... my brother and I do that all the time.. but there really isn't enough room here for my pet peeves.. lots of things get on my nerves :smile: .. so I'll post them as they come to me

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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When they say interactive menus, I think they mean menus that move around.The lion king's menu actually talks to you. There are alot of dvds with stationary menues that just go black when you select something. Sleepy Hollow, the Witches, Muppet from spae, labyrinth are just a few with stationary menus.

And speaking of moving menus, I HATE HATE HATE when there is a really long minute long intro and no use of the skip button or menue botton to get you to the menu the lion king. Its this really long 2 minute animation and you dcant skip it. You are forced to watch it. By the time its done you probably have already turned of the dvd. And Loony tunes back in action is like that too. Although, if you mash the menu button is gos to the menu


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2005
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I HATE HATE HATE when there is a really long minute long intro and no use of the skip button or menue botton to get you to the menu the lion king. Its this really long 2 minute animation and you dcant skip it. You are forced to watch it. By the time its done you probably have already turned of the dvd. And Loony tunes back in action is like that too. Although, if you mash the menu button is gos to the menu
I hate that, too :grouchy:

muppet maniac

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Pet peeves? Oh wow, where do I begin? Let's see...

1) Celebrity gossip/news – I’m sure everyone (well, just about everyone) will agree with me on this. But no matter where I go, no matter where I surf online, there’s always a chance that I’m gonna see “____ AND ___ TIE THE KNOT!“ "___ AND ___ CALL IT QUITS!“ "___ WAS SPOTTED WALKING DOWN THE STREET AT 2AM!" “OMFG! ___ IS SINGLE--- Gaaah! I can’t think of anything else that boils my blood other than having to hear who has the best (stupidest) hairstyle and what kind of shoes Whatsherface bought.

Now, I've been out of the States for a long time, but what was this I heard about the Tiger Woods fiasco that everyone (not just the media) made such a big fuss over a few years ago? All I know was that he didn't break the law or anything. But what really surprised me was the fact that all the major TV networks broke away from their regular programming schedules just to cover this silly story. Seriously, what was up with that?

2) People with big egos. ‘Nuff said.

3) People/groups (religious nuts, f**ini****sts, uptight mamas, conservadoodles and whatnot) several of whom are the most vocal, who preach against anything that they claim is “corrupting society” like video games, cartoons, adult entertainment, rock and roll music, cheeseburgers, etc. and wanting to banish these things believing they have a perfect sense of "decency” and know what's good for us :smile:rolleyes: yeah right)

4) If you’ve read the “Top Annoying Misnaming People Do” thread in the Classic Muppets section, just about every one of those misconceptions mentioned do tend to get on my nerves as well, especially when people can't seem to separate the Muppets from Creatures (Dark Crystal and Labyrinth = Muppets) It's happened to me recently, but I decided it's best to not say anything.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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1. When people call me "Shawn"
2. Dopes. I have no tolerance for idiots.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I have about six that come to mind...

(1) I've talked about this is the Am i the Only One thread - street corner sign holders. Not all of them mind you - most of the time i'm very sympathetic towards them as it's got to be insanely boring to do for hours on end and especially in Phoenix where the weather's usually very hot, it really borders of cruel exploitation when they're forced to wear hot costumes like gorilla suits. But the ones that annoy me are the ones that twirl the sign all over the place. (A) If i'm stopped in traffic right by them, i'm always worried they'll lose control of their sign and it'll hit my car and (b) if you can't even read the sign in the first place or if it's an arrow directing you somewhere, then moving it all around like you're tossing pizza dough defeats the whole purpose (c) I get nervous that some other driver around me is going to be paying more attention to trying to read the sign or watch the twirler that they'll cause an accident.

(2) Waiters that take longer bringing your check to you after you've finished eating than it took to enter the restaurant, place your order and eat it.

(3) Fast food or other cash register order takers that are so busy trying to upsell your order that they don't even listen to what your original order is and you have to repeat everything two or three times.

(4) Those same order takers/register workers that insist in asking "how are you today" or "how's your day going so far?". If i'm having a bad day - and with the economy as messed up as it is and all the people struggling to even survive or out of work and all who are also being asked the same - you're essentially forced to lie just to be polite or not spend a whole lot of wasted time giving someone a truly honest answer. It's actually really none of their business and it feels like a stranger prying into my personal life. Though one of these days when there aren't others patiently waiting behind me, i'll see what happens if i give them a truly honest answer like, "Oh, i'm quite suicidal and fed up with everything today and am trying to decide between suffocation or jumping off a rooftop. Yourself?"

(5) Automated telephone menus that force you to speak your responses instead of punching them in a phone.

(6) The stickers at the very top of new cds and dvds that are near impossible to cleanly peel off - especially annoying on dvds where they merge with the dvd case's plastic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Here are a couple of pet peeves of mine that are ever-growing.

When long periods of time go by (even months), and I can't get people into a friendly chat, even for just a minute or so. This doesn't apply to MC friends, because quite frankly, they're the best people to chat with on YIM (love ya Colbynfriends and MrsPepper!), but everyone else is like... y'know, you see them are online and all, but you try to start up a conversation, and one of the first things they says is "BRB", then the next thing you know, you get the message saying "So-and-so has signed out"; then other times, you wait for them to start the conversation, and they never do... you can be online for a couple of hours, and they are to, but nothing happens. There are even times when a chat is happening, and after a few words at the beginning, time passes away, and nothing else happens, then I finally chime in with a sarcastic, "Well, this has been a fascinating conversation", and they're like, "Oh, sorry". THEN, there are spells of time when they suddenly decide they DO want to be chatty, and they go on like nothing's happened. It really frustrates me, because I care very much about the friends that I have, and when I don't here from them over extended periods of time, and I know that some of them deal with personal drama on a regular basis, it makes me wonder what exactly they're up to, what's going on in their world, how they're doing, etc.

2. This one's been really increasing lately: I spend a great amount of time on creative endeavours and what not (sometimes hours on in), and people act like they're really excited and can't wait to see it, then when I finally do share it, I get maybe two kinds of feedback from someone saying "Cool", "Nice", and a simple "Love it". That's kind of a slap in the face to me, because all those hours of hard work, and dedication to something, and for what? I was especially astounded that the few new YouTube-exclusive Steve D'Monster vids I did have gotten the so few views and comments they have.

Gee whiz... now this thread's pretty much gotten me into a bad mood now. :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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(4) Those same order takers/register workers that insist in asking "how are you today" or "how's your day going so far?". If i'm having a bad day - and with the economy as messed up as it is and all the people struggling to even survive or out of work and all who are also being asked the same - you're essentially forced to lie just to be polite or not spend a whole lot of wasted time giving someone a truly honest answer. It's actually really none of their business and it feels like a stranger prying into my personal life. Though one of these days when there aren't others patiently waiting behind me, i'll see what happens if i give them a truly honest answer like, "Oh, i'm quite suicidal and fed up with everything today and am trying to decide between suffocation or jumping off a rooftop. Yourself?"
In all fairness, a lot of people in retail are practically required to "make small talk" in my experience. I've worked a cash register for over six years, and every boss I've ever had has always made a big deal about how we need to "converse with the customers" because it makes them feel more welcome and want to come back to the store. Cashiers have to come across as "super friendly" because usually we're the last employees you deal with and a cashier's attitude could make-or-break a customer's decision to return to the store. Honestly - I don't enjoy being really out-going and talkative, but if my boss is there you bet I'm gonna at least ask "How are you today?"....

But I understand what you're saying about not liking being asked that question all the time - I get tired of asking it!