Now it's time for, my pet's pet peeves
Lakota Sioux (Female Rottweiler):
1. She generally loves everyone but if you so much as a lay a paw on her beloved feline friend Chyanne, she will growl like a h***hound at you.
2. Thunder storms. She has a serious phobia of them and will always jump into my lap every time a storm starts up.
3. Fireworks. This goes back to her fear of thunderstorms.
4. Not getting a bath. Yup, you read correctly. Lakota loves baths. She looks forward to them because for some odd reason, she is one of the only dogs I've ever known who thinks it's fun to be wet.
Buster (Male Pitbull puppy):
1. Not getting any attention. He is a very playful, affectionate little dog and has that adorable puppy mentality about him where he constantly demands our love and attention 24/7.
2. Chickens. After getting in trouble for eating two of the chickens we're raising, he's had a bit of problem controlling himself around those feathered fowls ever since. Chickens aren't exactly a pet peeve per say but are a serious temptation for Buster.
3. Blankets. We tried to put one of my old, used baby blankets on Buster once and he hated it. We walked outside and that thing was ripped to shreds an hour later. Either he didn't like the feeling of having a blanket on him or maybe he was just hungry. I'm not exactly sure.
Chyanne (Female grey cat):
1. Other cats. Just like Buster, she is an attention hog who has a bad habit of competing with her fellow felines for her owner's affection.
2. Getting wet. She's a cat, this one should go without saying.
3. Being put on a leash. I've never tried this out but she is a cat after all, so I think it's safe to say that I would end up with my eyes clawed out afterwards.
4. Stop-motion animation. I once watched an episode of Robot Chicken with Chyanne curled in my lap and she started acting scared. Either the TV's light and sound were overstimulating to her or she has that commonly known human fear related to the strange idea of dolls coming to live. I'm not sure which, but I completely understand both reasons.
Spot (Fluffy calico female cat):
1. Attention. She prefers to be alone with me (her favorite person) versus being crowded by other people.
2. Any type of food that isn't traditional dry cat food. She won't even eat fish for crying out loud. Is she REALLY as normal cat?
3. Milk. Just like non-cat food dishes, it really grosses her out.
4. Having her belly rubbed. Over time, I've come to the conclusion that when she flops over on her back she is NOT under any circumstances asking me to rub her belly. You know how I figured that out? She bit me on the finger directly after I did that one time. Learned that lesson the hard way, didn't I?