I have checked on IcyRoserade sparsely since the intense search for that final volume (lol), so this doesn't come as a surprise to me; he's sane, but he's in too deep -- the perfect guy for the job! I will definitely watch it, but I can't believe what I'm hearing; I mean, you have to wonder how serious it'll be. On one hand, he has filming locations (imagine people's reactions to him filming this in downtown Brooklyn), a tentative release window and
even a Panasonic from the '80s, but on the other hand, he's considering a plush replication for Ernie... what? At least he thought it out, but I honestly don't even get why he would do this if he couldn't get the original puppets.
I appreciate his dedication and you and I seem to have an odd interest in it, Froggy Fool (I see you in the discord lol... throw us both in the insane asylum), but I could not sleep with those things in my house; I would either burn them or you would find them in the yard. Imagine opening the box with them in the mail.

I can't even fathom that these things lasted all these years, and it's kind of hard to fathom how bad the Ernie puppet is yet he has a shifting eye mechanism.
I like the idea of him doing a Volume 7 and it could be popular, but one volume a year after that is kinda pushing it imo.
Regarding the script, he said he's trying to be funny without being funny... good luck with that.