... um... hiya, Zeldazipple! If it helps, Krazedmuppet didn't even mention me in her post.
All kidding aside, I do know how it feels to be left out, even to not have friends. (I guess I've sorta gotten used to it, though) I'm sure you have plenty of friends, even if you don't realize it. Look at it like this, how many people have "come out of the woodwork" of Muppet Central to post in this thread? There are a lot of people here trying to comfort you, and I guess... it must make you feel a little better, shouldn't it?
Anyway, we don't always get the opportunity (or even the time, for that matter) to look at every thread posted, or to get to know every single person on here. There are several on this forum who I've never really gotten to know, and perhaps I'm partly to blame for it. There are certain sections of the forum here that I very rarely even look at. But I have made a few friends, though I'm not going to list them in case I've misread their posts, and they actually hate me.
Everyone contributes something to this place.