People lately.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2004
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Ya know... i too dont read fan fics, but i was intrested in this topic and i do have something to say as well.

I felt sad at times making post that are intresting or helpful to others, and people read it but dont reply n thats because theres ALOT of people here that arn't members but are guest. So, they too may be reading but cant reply. But theres also people that may not have time to reply. I know i've thought about reply'n but had to run out n forgot to come back n say something.

About the friend issue... well its not like u can cling to just n e one. N as alot of people have said, it really is a family here... theres some people u dont like but theres people u look up to too.

It seems the most people that stick in my head are people that say things i dissagree with or seem to know alot about somethin...

ex. No offence to Dil and Bear... but i've dissagreed with them on things... and if n e one here roams the Fraggle Boards, they'd probably remember all of Dil's ideas for the Fraggle Film.

as for Bear, i think it goes way back to Palisades when he was a new guy and he said something about the Big Bird figure that i didnt like. But hes a cool guy.

and Beaker is a nice person that i talk to in pm back n forth who i'd never really think i'd talk to. She pm'd me because we have opposite feelings on whether god is real or not. So, although we could be enemies on a topic like that, we turned it around n made a friendship.

I suggest roamin around the boards and finding an area that fits you or just voice your opinion here n there n someone may have something to say about it... for instance... this topic has gotten some attention. I honestly have never seen you about in this fourm till now. So... Hallo again :smile: I'm CoOKie n i talk alot


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Zelda please don't feel like you haven't any friends here. I still have you on my friend list, or buddy list as it is officially called on the forum.
Everybody cannot read everybody's threads on this forum and there are some I come across where my friends have wanted help or advice and I reply if it seems relevant. Better late then never.
And I have some friends who I seldom PM while others I communicate with more regularly. Some people seldom seem to reply to my PMes though I personally always make an effort to keep up contact with those who PM me.
I won't name anybody out of respect but I have come across posts from time to time in which they address me as a friend, so I don't judge their reasons for not PMing me. I know they consider me to be a friend and that's all that matters.

In conclusion let me say as a true friend that I hope you had a very Happy Birthday and a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you many happy returns and a happy new year. :smile::smile::smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Something worth mentioning, re: fanfics, one of yours made one of the biggest impacts on FanFic writing on this firum ever, i.e. Skeeter and Clifford together. Ever since you created that relationship, they have never been apart in fan-fics since. So don't think that you have no impact on anything around here.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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... um... hiya, Zeldazipple! If it helps, Krazedmuppet didn't even mention me in her post. :wink:

All kidding aside, I do know how it feels to be left out, even to not have friends. (I guess I've sorta gotten used to it, though) I'm sure you have plenty of friends, even if you don't realize it. Look at it like this, how many people have "come out of the woodwork" of Muppet Central to post in this thread? There are a lot of people here trying to comfort you, and I guess... it must make you feel a little better, shouldn't it?

Anyway, we don't always get the opportunity (or even the time, for that matter) to look at every thread posted, or to get to know every single person on here. There are several on this forum who I've never really gotten to know, and perhaps I'm partly to blame for it. There are certain sections of the forum here that I very rarely even look at. But I have made a few friends, though I'm not going to list them in case I've misread their posts, and they actually hate me. :wink:

Everyone contributes something to this place.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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I'll never fit into this thing never. I may as well give up trying to and just face the fact I'll always be a stranger no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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Super Scooter said:
... um... hiya, Zeldazipple! If it helps, Krazedmuppet didn't even mention me in her post. :wink:

Im sorry Justin- JUSTIN IS MY FRIEnD TOO!!! HOW COULD I POSSIBLY HAVE FORGOTTEN HIM?!?! Hes another random guy I met on here- I dont even know how we started talking...


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Aw. I wish you didn't feel that way. Believe me, I know how it feel to be left out. I wish you didn't have to feel this way at all.:sympathy: