Passing the Torch? Or warping young minds?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2009
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My son is eight, and we've never had cable TV his entire life. All he knows is stuff on DVD.

Tonight, I realized just how much of my obsession he's absorbed by osmosis.

He was playing with a Muppet Show Colorforms set, and knew the names of 11 out of 17 characters pictured. Then when I said the line "You're a wonderful lookin' audience, it's a pleasure to be here!", he replied, "Good grief, the chameleon's are here!"

I thought this misheard line was delightful.



Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2004
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No way man! It just means that awesome never dies! :wink: Oh, and the line is waaaaaaaaaaay funnier with chameleon! I better teach my Boy that one, lol.

I was just talking to my brother about how my little guy screams for "D2" when he wants to watch a Star Wars movie, and he's not even 2 years old yet! :big_grin: AWESOME! So proud of my Boy.

And he calls every Muppet either Kermit or Elmo, even more awesome! Right now we're listening to a lot of Christmas music, and whenever a Muppets song comes on, he says "Kermit?" Oh man, the joy, you know?

We gotta teach this new generation that new stuff is crap, and old stuff is gold! Ha ha, nah, not EVERYTHING these days is 100% crap I guess, lol.

Great story man! Cheers,


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Totally agree. :big_grin: When I start teaching I'm doing a Fraggle unit even if I'm teaching High School.

Mr Snrub

Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Totally agree. :big_grin: When I start teaching I'm doing a Fraggle unit even if I'm teaching High School.
Good idea! Forcing your fandom upon an unsuspecting group of adolescents is always a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I believe NOT raising children from a very young infant age on Jim Henson/Bear in the Big Blue House/Muppet/Sesame related material is wrong. Especially in this day and age, the world more than ever needs the warm fun and amazing themes of Fraggle Rock, Sesame and the good cheer and comradery of the Muppets. I definitely can't wait to indoctrinate my future kids into the amazing wonderment and magic of the Muppets. The fact Bear in the Big Blue House isn't even on any of the Disney or kid's channels is a crying shame.

Sesame Street workshop risks their lives and goes out of their way to create localized Sesame productions in some of the most impoverished war torn heck-holes around this world; and the look on children's faces when they see it is beyond words.
I've always said this world would be a much better place if every kid was raised on or exposed to some form of Jim Henson's legacy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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I must agree that it is much fun introducing my nephews and nieces to the Muppets and Sesame Street. Of course, at the same time, if they like it, that's cool- but I'm going to force them to watch something they're not interested in. lol (but that doesn't happen too often)
When and if I ever get married and then have kids, I think I will definitely be very selective on what they can watch- and Muppet productions will definitely be pushed- haha. But most important to me is raising kids in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's first and foremost. And because of a desire to honor Him, I want to have clean and uplifting entertainment for myself and any future kids to enjoy. I'm glad that Jim Henson provided such a great wealth of that to enjoy- it definitely helps brighten things up.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Here's my take on it...I remember watching The Muppet Show when it was still on TV...looked forward to it...LOVED Sesame Street...that is what got me interested in doing puppetry and wanting to someday work with the Muppets...but anyway....I can't imagine them just going away....un-heard of. yeah the voices may be different, and the talent may be different from the original, but they are still here and entertaining us. I think Jim would be somewhat proud of what they have done since he has been gone. I mean face light up...or mine does...when the Muppets are a guest on a show or show up out of the blue on a show or whatever...I think the passing of the torch is great...they just need to keep in mind....the audience and who they are wanting to reach. If kids continue to love Sesame Street, then they will always love the Muppets. I DO!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I really loved Fraggles as a kid mostly because the colors were sooo incredibly vibrant. I think Henson did a great job holding kids atention with the colors and sounds but then also giving the pilosophy they needed to be great people.