My most anticipated series is everything I hoped it would be and so much
more! That kitchen playset!!
I wasn't going to wish my life away hoping 2003 would hurry up and get here, but when I look at series 3, I could almost burst. And they're only toys!
Rowlf: I love him head to toe! He's one of my favorites right up there with Vacation Fozzie. At first I thought the whites of his eyes might have been a little too deep, broad, wide or elongated and turned down too much, as well as his nose being too round & not oval enough. But it is Rowlf! I also can't wait to start flopping his ears around! He looks great, his hands look great. Love the tux too! I was happy to see the tux version because I wasn't sure about how bottom heavy the other one was. On a scale of 1 to 10, Rowlf gets an 11+!
Scooter: His jacket looks perfect. But something about his face like others have mentioned. His "magic triangle" is off. He almost has a magic square. I think his eyes are too wide or too far apart. He could also use more of a neck. I think that might help. His jeans look like real denim! His shirt should be more of a true yellow than neon yellow. He's probably my least favorite of this series. Scale of 1-10, Scooter gets a 7.
Lew Zealand: I'm lovin' Lew! Who
would have thought we would have ever seen
Lew Zealand?! He's perfect from head to toe. Bump up his hue and make him as orange as Scooter and he'll get a 11+ from me too. VERY nice idea with the bucket! 10 for Lew!
Zoot: Zoot is another I'm looking forward to the most. I have no complaints with him! I like his bellbottom pants. They don't clash with him. His pants match his hair. Hats off to him. (I want to see him with his hat off). Don't know what could possibly be changed or done to make him any better. Perfect! 11+.
Zoot repaint: I like the color and how it makes his nose look slightly more greenish. While I favor the yellow-shirt one more, I'm going to get both Zoots! 10+!
Swedish Chef: He originally wasn't one of the ones I was most excited for, but he's fantastic too, that's all there is to it. Very excited for the Chef and his kitchen playset! As someone else mentioned his eyebrows and moustache may be a little too dark. But aside from that, his color scheme is flawless. Like Rowlf, he looks SO Muppety! 11+ for the Chef too.
Swedish Chef kitchen playset: I'm blown away by the details on this. Ken kept telling us this kitchen was hot, but little did we know! I LOVE the colors. So I hope that it all gets approved, so I can "Play With It"!