Hey Towel
You can just make your own with the new an approved "Fry that baby up! Popcorn burner™" For only 3 payments of 19.95 you too can burn kernals like nobody's business. With 3 different settings burn, scorch, and hells inferno you'll never have to worry about those stray easy to eat kernals again. Just listen to our customers
"This machine is great, I only used it for a couple seconds and I was pouring my popcorn into a glass"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH put it out, my arm ahhhhhhhh"
Be one of the thousands who have tried the popcorn burner and never looked back, send check or money order to Greg at Palisades, allow 2-3 years for shipping. Fry that baby up! popcorn burner is TM and copyright Travis Allen!