Ostrich Feather Boas


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
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Jinx said:
Hey Trent, while you're at it, have you given any thought to arm rods for this guy? I must confess that thus far, I haven't had any brainstorms for the best way to approach them with the Arm's Length style.

Alos, it seems pretty interesting to me that everyone who has ordered/gotten a kit has chosen model "C". Hmmmmmmm.
I know, im actually thinking about selling Ardy and buying another kit. I really enjoy building them and I need the experience. I'll probably get kit A this time. I bought C because of the skin color and because it was a kid which is what I wanted. I didnt understand that any pattern could be any age depending on the placement of the features. On the video, David puts together Pattern A which is an old man on his site but which he makes into a young person on the video. I think I might like the larger mouth better. Although "Ardy" is extremely expressive, even with his small mouth.

Im still trying to think of a way to use an arm rod with him. I thought about designing a wristwatch that has an armrod attached to it so that it could be removed but it wouldnt look horrible when attached to his hand. What do you think?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2004
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I didn't think you could sell those puppets without giving Dave a % of the sale for his creation. I know many designers require that you return a portion back to them because they retain the rights to thier design. Actually I'm hoping I have just misunderstood how it works. I don't know for sure what would work best for rod connectors for the ArmsLength puppets but I know that the doll joint pockets work pretty well for OWS puppets. I really like how they give complete control of the hand and arm while still being easily attached and removed. Just a little push and it snaps in and out of the hand. If you get sufficient hand control with a rod to the wrist then the watch would be an excellent idea I think.


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Jan 1, 2004
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Puppet_Builder said:
I didn't think you could sell those puppets without giving Dave a % of the sale for his creation. I know many designers require that you return a portion back to them because they retain the rights to thier design. Actually I'm hoping I have just misunderstood how it works. I don't know for sure what would work best for rod connectors for the ArmsLength puppets but I know that the doll joint pockets work pretty well for OWS puppets. I really like how they give complete control of the hand and arm while still being easily attached and removed. Just a little push and it snaps in and out of the hand. If you get sufficient hand control with a rod to the wrist then the watch would be an excellent idea I think.
Yeah, Im not sure about that either. I figure, I bought raw materials from Dave and made a custom puppet. I now own that puppet and would be free to sell it if I choose, just like if I bought a camera form sony and sold it on ebay, I wouldnt have to give them a % of the selling price. I wouldnt sell it for profit but rather to replace it with a new one to build. I could understand that if I bought a manufactured puppet from him, reverse engineered it and duplicated it to sell for my profit that it would be wrong and very illegal. but not selling something I bought to someone else.
Buck, you got anything to add to this? Or anyone else for that matter?


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Nov 27, 2003
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If you look at the cover page of patterns that came with your kit you'll notice it says:

"Copyright entitles purchaser the right to use patterns for personal and/or non-commercial use only. Pattern may not be duplicated by any means.

Patterns may not be used for commercial and/or manufacturing purposes."

This would imply that you are not permitted to sell puppets made from this pattern, be it for profit or not.

However, if you'll email me, I have another bit of info that David Pannabecker sent me that you may find useful.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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You're certainly entitled to resell the puppet that you made from the kit Trent. I don't think David states otherwise, and even if he did I don't think that the claim would have any basis in law.

But Jinx is right, you probably can't sell additional puppets made from the pattern without David's consent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
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Buck-Beaver said:
You're certainly entitled to resell the puppet that you made from the kit Trent. I don't think David states otherwise, and even if he did I don't think that the claim would have any basis in law.

But Jinx is right, you probably can't sell additional puppets made from the pattern without David's consent.
Right, I never had any intention of making any other puppets from the same pattern. I only kept the pattern in case I want to do one more puppet with the same head. That would destroy the patterns and since I cant reproduce them, it would be done with. My original statement was that I was thinking about selling the puppet I already bought and made only to make another one for additional experience. Thanks for clearing that up though.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2004
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Yep. Thanks once again Buck. I for one am very glad I was wrong about this one.

Back to feathers...... My Mom sells those ornimental chickens and just told me last night that the east coast is under an anything poultry quarantine. She said I wouldn't be able to have feathers shipped here from outside the quarantined area. Also that I wouldn't be able to ship out anything like say a puppet with feathers. Does anyone "in the know" have a clue if this is correct? Again I hope I'm wrong here because my mother was going to send me boxes of emu and ostrich feathers from the farm next door. :cry: Just my luck


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2003
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Bird Flu

There have been cases of Bird Flu reported on the East coast, and so I would imagine that this would be the reason for the quarantine. And I just read of a case being reported in British Columbia as well, so there could be far-reaching implications as a result.

In Asia, there have been more than 20 human deaths attributed to this disease, so the World Health Organization is taking it very seriously.

You can read more about it by simply doing a search for "bird flu" or "avian flu" to get the latest stories.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't think that in any of the North American cases there is any indication of the disease spreading to humans, so I hope this isn't too bad for the affected areas. They've had to kill something like 80 million chickens in parts of Asia.

Show and Tell

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2004
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Jinx said:
In Asia, there have been more than 20 human deaths attributed to this disease, so the World Health Organization is taking it very seriously.
Ok I just found out that this Asian Avian flu is the only strand that has been killing people and that its not in the states. Also I was told any feathers that have been bleached or dyed won't contain the flu.also I was told we have an outbreak of avian flu every year and its usually only in the cold months. once it warms up it should subside. So if I can talk my mom into bleaching the feathers then maybe I will be in buisness. :excited: