Sheesh...I can't make a point about people crying how X should have won when they haven't seen the competition? It's one thing to say you hoped X would win, but it's another when you don't let up about it and have not seen the competition? 

You have a great point. I just wanted to make mine clear, too.Sheesh...I can't make a point about people crying how X should have won when they haven't seen the competition? It's one thing to say you hoped X would win, but it's another when you don't let up about it and have not seen the competition?![]()
I dunno, I think this woman (and most moviegoers it seems) would disagree with that:I don't know how you think, but in my view, anything that awards Les Misérables three stinkin' times deserves to be boycotted.![]()
Every woman in that cinema (including the ones I saw it with) acted exactly the same way. I'm with George over in the back.I dunno, I think this woman (and most moviegoers it seems) would disagree with that:
Yeah... effort... definite... dream the dream... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................(seriously though, Les Mis clearly had definite effort put into it but the musical just wasn't meant to be filmed. Don't kill me.)
Yeah. Sloppy and troubled. When someone gets shooed off their own movie, it's never a good sign. Look at MFS! Or worse... Hoodwinked 2! Yikes. I know you don't wanna buy the Blu, but I'd recommend borrowing it and just watching it with commentary. I'm sure they'll point out all the screw ups on the way. Me? I'm just waiting for more skeletons to come out. The Pixar upper management meddling clearly screwed the movie, and I'm guessing it got a pity Oscar just to give it to Chapman for getting ousted from her own project. I swear that's the only reason Sandra "every movie she ever made was terrible, even the supposed Magnum Opus that won her the undeserved award" Bullock got said award.That movie was too long as is. The fault is a clunky script. The story should have been solid before the animation began. The Witch seems like a casualty of a very sloppy production. People forget that Reese Whitherspoon was also replaced during production.
I didn't really see it, but I heard things. All the things that made the movie a special risk or unique seemed to backfire. I refer to, of course, the whole singing live bit. Sounds like a great experiment, but there's a reason why film makers didn't do it for so long. Still... as far as movie musicals go, I'll never forgive Hairspray for casting John Travolta to Hollywood it up over recasting Harvey Firestine. I LOVED the Producers, but did they really need to shorten the film and cut out 2 or 3 songs?(seriously though, Les Mis clearly had definite effort put into it but the musical just wasn't meant to be filmed. Don't kill me.)
Hollywood ain't always in the business of casting the right people, lol. Just the ones that will bring in the audience.I'll never forgive Hairspray for casting John Travolta to Hollywood it up over recasting Harvey Firestine.
Having seen The Producers on Broadway and loved it, I was shocked at how unfunny the corresponding movie version was. It was just odd and awkward the whole time. The 1968 film is no danger of being bested, lol.I LOVED the Producers, but did they really need to shorten the film and cut out 2 or 3 songs?
What they did to the Hobbit was just pure evil. Splitting a 130 page book into three movies, with the first one being three-hours long is just cruel. I wouldn't have minded two movies, but three just gets me mad.Thanks.But I have to confess I was hoping The Hobbit wouldn't win anything. Its disregard for the book in favor of pointless CGI battles left me very disappointed. A silly little cartoon from 1977 was more accurate and more heartfelt than this movie ever could be.
The Lord of the Rings was a complete package and deserved most of its awards. The Hobbit did not, not in my opinion.
Seth was out of his element. He's done a live show before, but it was a private show for writers back when they were on strike. The other show wasn't exactly live, but it played to Family Guy fans. We're talking about someone who's a career cartoonist that can act and sing, but he does not have a strong stand up comedian background. The stronger hosts and even presenters all have backgrounds in constant live performances. Not to mention there was clearly self censorship. The kind of Family Guy humor he's known for wouldn't have flown in a format where he's "some guy with a cartoon show us older Hollywood types wouldn't dare watch." So we got watered down jokes that still ticked people off for being offensive.Seth announced on Twitter that no way he would host the Oscars again if asked.
I really think the Oscars killed him. Sure Anne Hathaway and James Franco were dull, but did it kill them?