Actually, I read that it was Opera that was borkifying MSNs web page, in response to that fact that MSN's servers were specifically messing up Opera's attempts to render properly.
You see, when you connect to a web site, your browser sends certain information to the web server. Kinda like this:
SERVER: Yes it is, and I am running Apache version 1.0
WB: Ok, I would like file INDEX.HTML, and I am running Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 under Windows XP build 2600
S: Ok here it is.
(this example has been simplified, and it, while not technically correct, is an example of the type of information exchange that goes on)
What was happening was that MSN's web servers were checking the browesers that people were using, and anyone who was using Opera 6.xx were intentionally being given a corrupted file.
This is in fact quite an accepted practice, one could easily make a Netscape version of a website, a MSIE version of a website, etc. MSN was intentionally messing up Opera to get people to switch "back" to MSIE.
Anyway, the Opera people, not to be outdone, made version 7.01 of their browser *really* mess up MSN's web page by borkifyng MSN.COM while it was rendering it.
Here is the Slashdot article about this - it's very informative.
-Rick "Wembley" Miller
..."You can NOT leave the magic!"